The Eagle and The Crow

The Eagle and The Crow
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I was at the beach in Summerland BC on a clear, crisp morning in late winter when I saw a Bald Eagle carrying a fairly large, recently caught trout. He/she proceeded to the nearest large tree about 50 metres from where I was. Fortunately I had my X-S1 camera with me and was able to get some pictures of the Eagle enjoying his/her catch while being harassed by a Crow that obviously wanted to share the Eagle's meal. I was very pleased to be there and to have my camera to capture this event.

by: Victor L

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I was at the beach in Summerland BC on a clear, crisp morning in late winter when I saw a Bald Eagle carrying a fairly large, recently caught trout. He/she proceeded to the nearest large tree about 50 metres from where I was. Fortunately I had my X-S1 camera with me and was able to get some pictures of the Eagle enjoying his/her catch while being harassed by a Crow that obviously wanted to share the Eagle's meal. I was very pleased to be there and to have my camera to capture this event.

by: Victor

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